Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Week

Wow, we had a busy Easter. It was so much fun and the kids were so excited! They are growing up so fast and it is so neat to see them experience the memories we have growing up.
Hayley at her Easter egg hunt at school.

Peyton wearing his "Bug" hat that he made. His class had a hat parade for Easter and went to visit the Alzeimers group that meets at his school.

Our playgroup had our Easter party again this year. It was a blast and so neat to see the kids grow up together. This is their 3rd Easter together. Jessica is reading the an Easter story before their hunt.

This picture cracks me up because it looks like Peyton and his friend Sammy are planning something.

The younger siblings had their own hunt this year. It was such a great idea and they didn't get trampled by the older ones.

Hayley and Grace finding some eggs.

The girls eating their candy!

The older ones about to go on their hunt.

Peyton and his buddy Joey waiting for the word "GO".

Peyton showing off his loot!


The playgroup, I love these girls!!!