Peyton loves ScoobyDoo and usually gets to watch it during Hayley's nap. He loves for Tyler to lay down next to him and watch it with him. It is really cute seeing him enjoy his baby brother.
Tyler has some smoldering faces. It is precious!
We had high hopes for the Aggies in their bowl game. The game was horrible but we had a blast with our friends.
The Gunther's came over for the game. Here is Avery holding Tyler.
Peyton and Avery thought it was awesome to stay up late and watch the game with us while their little sisters went to bed. They were so cute.
Another day of ScoobyDoo. It is amazing how Tyler loves T.V. (I promise I don't really let him watch for very long)
Peyton had show and tell at school and brought his new toy that he bought with his Christmas money. Here is a video of him telling me all about it. You might have to turn up your volume. He is talking pretty low.
Tyler is really growing and getting stronger every day. He has a big week of meeting some fun new toys instead of just his swing.
Tyler's first time in the Bumbo.
Tyler's first time in is bouncer. I'm not sure who was more excited Tyler or Peyton and Hayley.
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