Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Peyton

On Peyton's real birthday I took him to his first movie, Madagascar 2. He had a blast and actually sat through the whole movie. We had so much fun and it was nice to do something with just the two of us.

Here Peyton is picking out some candy.

You can't really tell but Peyton was so into the movie he was leaning forward holding onto the seat in front of us.
We got Peyton some Toy Story figures and a Toy Story shirt for his birthday. He loved them.

Ever since Hayley was born Peyton was getting up several times a night wanting us to tuck him in. The night before Peyton's party Mark got tired of getting up and camped out with Peyton. I got to take a picture before they got up the next morning. Don't they look so cute?

It has been 3 nights since Peyton has gotten up in the middle of the night so say a prayer that this phase is over.

We had Peyton's party at a park this year. They have a little train you can rent and everyone gets to go for a ride around the park. We had a lot of fun but it was also the first cold and windy day of the year. Note to self, November can either be 90 or 40 degrees in Texas.
We got a bubble machine for the party and this was by far Peyton's favorite. Mommy and Peyton before our train ride.
"All Aboard!" Peyton kept saying that as we were all getting on.

Our conductor!

They decorated the train for Peyton's birthday!
Peyton's Buzz Lightyear cake

We couldn't light the candle because it was so windy so we just pretended.

He loves cake!

Peyton and his friend Kaitlin enjoying their cake.

Peyton loved opening presents this year. He played with his new toys all afternoon.

Peyton tickling his Uncle Andrew. This is his 2 year old shirt I made him. He is so big now :(


Unknown said...

Looks like Peyton had a wonderful birthday! Him and Logan are so close in age. I really want them to meet each other!! Happy belated birthday Peyton!!