This weekend we had Mark's company picnic. They had it at Emma Long Park, which if you have never been there it is a great place to take the family. There were a ton of trees so it actually wasn't that hot. We also had a great breeze going. Peyton had a ton of fun splashing in the lake and running around outside. I forgot my camera so we don't have many pictures but here are the few they sent me.
The family!!
Mark and Peyton and his buddy Dustin with his son Evan. (We couldn't get the kiddos to look at the camera)
A couple of weeks ago we went to Sea World with my parents. Peyton had a blast. It was really really hot but we just went to all the shows which were covered so it wasn't bad. We all had a real fun time. I can't wait to take Peyton again.
Peyton loved it when the dolphins would jump out of the water.
Grandpa and Peyton in their caps! Peyton looking down on all the hungry seals. I love this picture.You could feed the seals. They were so cute begging. Of course, this was probably one of Peyton's favorites. The Birds. We got to feed them nectar. It was so cool. They would just land on your arm and eat. Peyton just wanted to hold them.
All of the shows were so cute!! I couldn't believe Peyton would actually sit through them but he was mesmerized. Peyton crashed after some fun in the sun. He took a good 1 1/2 nap in his stroller and woke up right before Shamu came on. Peyton demanded on this tub of popcorn. He was so excited.
Peyton's favorite show with all of the characters.
He ran up to them right when they came out and started dancing. Peyton with all of the big kids dancing.
Peyton's first Congo line!
His favorite the shark! He kept pointing to all of his teeth. Peyton on stage with his new friends.